
GithubContact is an address book integrated with Github’s Public API, targeted at software engineering project managers to help them communicate and collaborate with their teams smoothly.

This guide contains all you need to get started on working with GithubContact.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Command Summary
  3. Features
    1. Add a person
    2. Remove a person
    3. Find a person
    4. Sort people
    5. Reset the persons list
    6. Show a person’s details
    7. Set a person’s details
    8. Delete a person’s details
    9. Return to previous page
    10. Show help page
  4. FAQ
  5. Prefix Aliases
  6. Parameter Input Formats

Getting Started

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest githubContact.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your GithubContact.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) similar to the above should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • help : Displays the help page.

    • addname/John Doe github/johndoe phone/98765432 email/johnd@example.com address/John street, block 123, #01-01 : Adds a contact named John Doe to the Address Book.

    • clear : Deletes all contacts.

    • exit : Exits the app.

  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.

Command summary

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user. The input formats for each attribute can be found here
    e.g. in add name/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add name/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g name/NAME [tag/TAG] can be used as name/John Doe tag/friend or as name/John Doe.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    e.g. [tag/TAG]…​ can be used as ` ` (i.e. 0 times), tag/friend, tag/friend tag/family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies name/NAME phone/PHONE_NUMBER, phone/PHONE_NUMBER name/NAME is also acceptable.

  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    e.g. if you specify phone/12341234 phone/56785678, only phone/56785678 will be taken.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list, exit and clear) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

  • Each attribute prefix can be replaced with its alias. e.g. instead of using add name/John Doe address/Clementi, add n/John Doe a/Clementi will fulfill the same function. The full list of prefix aliases can be found here.

  • Advanced users may manually edit the data file located in [JAR file location]/data/addressbook.json. Note that if an invalid input is made here, the data file will be discarded and GithubContact will create a new, empty data file.

Action Format, Examples
add add [name/NAME] [github/GITHUB] [address/ADDRESS] [role/ROLE] [timezone/TIMEZONE] [phone/PHONE] [email/EMAIL] [slack/SLACK] [telegram/TELEGRAM] [tag/TAG]
add name/John Doe address/27 Clementi
delete person delete INDEX
delete 1, delete 2
delete attribute delete ATTRIBUTE
delete name, delete slack, delete twitter
set set [name/NAME] [github/GITHUB] [address/ADDRESS] [role/ROLE] [timezone/TIMEZONE] [phone/PHONE] [email/EMAIL] [slack/SLACK] [telegram/TELEGRAM] [tag/TAG]
set name/Tex github/Tex-Tang address/Clementi
sort sort
sort name, sort name/desc
find find KEYWORD
find Tex, find Engineer
reset reset
back back or <ESC> key
help help or <F1> key
help, help add


Add a person : add

Adds a person to the list.

Format: add [name/NAME] [github/GITHUB] [address/ADDRESS] [role/ROLE] [timezone/TIMEZONE] [phone/PHONE] [email/EMAIL] [slack/SLACK] [telegram/TELEGRAM] [tag/TAG]

  • At least one of NAME or GITHUB must be provided (can be both).
  • The input formats for each attribute can be found here


  • add github/johndoe
  • add github/johndoe name/John Doe
  • add name/John Doe address/27 Clementi
  • add name/Alex address/22 Clementi phone/86609830 email/alex@gmail.com
  • add name/Mike github/mikelim address/21 Clementi phone/86609831 email/mike@gmail.com slack/mike123 telegram/@mike123 tag/friend timezone/+8 role/Frontend

Before the command is executed:

before adding

After the command is executed:

after adding

Delete a Person : delete

Delete the specified person from the address book.

Format: delete INDEX

  • This command can only be run in the main page.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the person list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (e.g. 1, 2, 3…)


  • Delete the person at index 1: delete 1
  • Delete the person at index 7: delete 7

Before the command is executed:

before deleting

After the command is executed:

after deleting

Find a Person : find

Displays the persons that match a given keyword.

Format: find KEYWORD

-Keyword could be any of the following attributes of the person :

  • name
  • address
  • role
  • github user
  • tags

-You can only run this command in the home page and not the person’s detail page.

-The keyword can have minor spelling errors (~ 1 or 2 incorrect characters), provided the entire value of the attribute is entered (for example: for John Doe, Jorn Foe will work but not Jorn) and still return correct results.

-For name, address, role and tags, the attribute value only needs to contain the keyword, provided the spelling is correct. e.g. find John will return contacts John Doe and Smith John.

-The keyword must only be any one of the attributes of the person, and cannot be multiple attributes.

-Find command performs an OR search for keywords within fields of the users. e.g. find xyz can return two persons, one with the tag xyz and one with the role xyz.

-The search is also case-insensitive. e.g. john will match John


  • Find all the people named David: find david
  • Find all the people with address Clementi: find Clementi
  • Find all the people with role SWE: find SWE
  • Find all the people with tag friends: find friends
  • Find the person with GitHub username sh4nH: find sh4nH

Before the command is executed:

before find

After the command is executed:

after find

Sort the list of Persons : sort

Sort persons in the list.

Format: sort [name|address|role][/desc]


  • Sort by role in ascending order: sort role
  • Sort by name in descending order: sort name/desc

Before the command is executed:

before sort

After the command is executed:

after sort

Reset the list of persons: reset

Resets the persons list.

Performs the following two functions:

  • Resets the search condition, causing the original list of persons to be displayed.
  • Resets the sorting condition, causing the list of persons to return to its default ordering (by name in ascending order.)

Format: reset


After executing a find command:

after find

After reset is executed:


Show a Person’s Details : <ENTER> or double click

Shows person details in another page.

There are two ways to show person details

  1. Keyboard-friendly way

    1. Use the arrow keys to navigate to the desired person.

    2. Press <ENTER> to show the person’s details.

  2. General usage

    1. Double-click on the person card in the list of persons.

Keyboard usage example:

Step 1: Navigate to the desired person using the arrow keys.

step 1

Step 2: Press <ENTER> to enter the detail page.

step 2

Set a Person’s Details : set

Sets the attributes of a person.

Format set [name/NAME] [github/GITHUB] [address/ADDRESS] [role/ROLE] [timezone/TIMEZONE] [phone/PHONE] [email/EMAIL] [slack/SLACK] [telegram/TELEGRAM] [tag/TAG]

  • You can only run this command in a person’s detail page. Please refer to Show Person Details to enter person details page.
  • At least one optional attribute must be provided.
  • If an inputted attribute does not exist yet, it will be added.
  • If an inputted attribute already exists, its value will be updated to the given value.
  • The input formats for each attribute can be found here


  • set name/Mike github/mikelim address/21 Clementi phone/86609831 email/mike@gmail.com slack/mike123 telegram/@mike123 tag/friend timezone/+8 role/Frontend
  • set name/David Lee telegram/@davidlee123 slack/davidlee123

Before the command is executed:

before set

After the command is executed:

after set

Delete a Person’s Details: delete

Delete attribute of a person.

Format: delete ATTRIBUTE_NAME

  • You can only run this command in a person’s detail page. Please refer to Show Person Details to enter person details page.
  • name cannot be deleted as it is a required attribute.
  • You only can delete one attribute at one time. If multiple arguments are provided, the last of the provided arguments will be deleted.
  • For example, delete github role email will result in only the email being deleted.

Attributes (ATTRIBUTE_NAME) that can be deleted:

  • role
  • timezone
  • email
  • phone
  • slack
  • telegram
  • github


  • delete telegram
  • delete email

Before the command is executed, inside a person’s contact detail page:

before delete attr

After the command is executed:

after delete attr

Return to previous page : back or <ESC>

Returns to the previously selected page.

Format: back or <ESC>

Example uses:

  • Returning to the main page from the help page.
  • Returning to the main page from the contact detail page.
  • Returning to the contact detail page from the detail help page.

Before the command is executed, in the detail help page:

before back

After the command is executed:

after back

Show help page : help or <F1>

Shows the help page or usage instruction of specified command.

If executed without arguments, for the given page, show:

  • The commands that can be executed at that page
  • The descriptions of each command

If executed with a given command, e.g. help delete, show:

  • The description of the command
  • Its parameters
  • An example usage

Format: help [add|back|clear|delete|exit|find|help|reset|set|sort]

Main page help:


Detail page help:


After executing help delete:



Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous GithubContact home folder.

Q: How do I add more than 1 email address/ phone number?
A: Unfortunately, this iteration of GithubContact only supports one email address/ phone number.

Q: How do I save my data?
A: You may be able to get the contact’s email from GitHub if they have chosen to make it public. We do not currently support any other forms of contacts to be pulled form GitHub.

Q: How do I save my data?
A: GithubContact automatically saves your data locally and retrieves it the next time you open it.

Prefix Aliases

Prefix Aliases
Name name/, n/
Address address/, a/
Tag tag/, t/
Email email/, @/
Phone phone/, +/
Slack slack/, sk/
Telegram telegram/, tele/
Role role/, r/
Timezone timezone/, tz/

Parameter Input Formats

Attribute Input Format
Name Should only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces or dashes, and it should not be blank.
Address Can contain any character but should not be blank.
Role Starts with a letter, and contains only alphanumeric characters and space.
Timezone Should be a number with a sign(+18 to -18) and should not be blank
Phone Should only contain numbers and should be 3 digits long
Email Should be of the format @. The LOCALPART should have only alphanumeric characters, "+", "_", ".", and "-". The DOMAIN is made up of domain labels separated by periods(.), each one starting and ending with alphanumeric characters. The DOMAIN must end with a domain label at least 2 characters long.
Slack Should contain only numbers, underscores(_), and lowercase letters. Must be between 1 and 20 characters in length
Telegram Should be of the format @. USERNAME should be between 5 and 32 characters long, with only alphanumeric characters and underscores. It cannot start or end with an underscore nor have consecutive underscores.
Tag Should be alphanumeric
Github Should contain only alphanumeric characters or dashes. It cannot start or end with a hyphen nor have consecutive hyphens. Its maximum length is 39 characters.